Reports information about your device.
- CPU: processor, architecture, core, etc. )
- DEVICE: model, brand, board, screen resolution, ram, network type, etc.
- SYSTEM: Android version, API level, kernel, Build ID, Root Acces, etc.
- BATERY: Level%, technology, health, voltage, temperature, etc.
- SENSOR: Accelerometer, barometer, compass, magnetic field, pressure, etc.
Simple method to check their device information.The application provides a very simple user interface that easily notifies and reports information about their device.This application will test the device for root Check available under tab: System
Melaporkan informasi tentang perangkat Anda.
- CPU: prosesor, arsitektur, inti, dll)
- PERANGKAT: Model, merek, papan, resolusi layar, ram, jenis jaringan, dll
- SISTEM: versi Android, tingkat API, kernel, Membangun ID, Akar Acces, dll
- Batery: Level%, teknologi, kesehatan, tegangan, suhu, dll
- SENSOR: Accelerometer, barometer, kompas, medan magnet, tekanan, dll
Metode sederhana untuk memeriksa perangkat aplikasi information.The mereka menyediakan antarmuka pengguna yang sangat sederhana yang mudah memberitahukan dan melaporkan informasi tentang device.This aplikasi mereka akan menguji perangkat untuk root Periksa tersedia di bawah tab: Sistem
Reports information about your device.
- CPU: processor, architecture, core, etc. )
- DEVICE: model, brand, board, screen resolution, ram, network type, etc.
- SYSTEM: Android version, API level, kernel, Build ID, Root Acces, etc.
- BATERY: Level%, technology, health, voltage, temperature, etc.
- SENSOR: Accelerometer, barometer, compass, magnetic field, pressure, etc.
Simple method to check their device information.The application provides a very simple user interface that easily notifies and reports information about their device.This application will test the device for root Check available under tab: System